Our Vision is to inspire, enrich, and develop a diverse and professional group of business leaders in education.
We would like to welcome existing and new members to ABLE from Nottinghamshire, Nottingham City, Derbyshire, Derby City, Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, and other local authority areas.
Our invitation is extended to Business Managers, Office Managers, Administrators, Chief Finance Officers (CFO), Chief Operating Officers (COO), Bursars, and any relevant senior support professionals in primary, secondary, special schools, academies, and MATs.
The group is organised by a dedicated committee of volunteer educational professionals as a non-profit organisation to offer support, training and up-to-date educational guidance to business management support staff and has been running in various forms since the early 1990s. The committee has a range of experience gained from employment in local education in a variety of roles, from school and academy SBM’s to MAT Leadership and specialist support roles for local schools and academies.